Friday, May 6, 2011

My Good Luck Equals A Giveaway!

It's so odd how disconnected I feel lately from blog world and realize how much I miss the dialogue and visiting bloggy friends! The A&A house is under a good bit of interior chaos and the battle to keep and find an Internet connection and not have everyone freaking out because there is no television is on-going!!!

People and things are getting ignored and I am seeing a lot of long faces and a few household occupants don't appear overly excited to hear about the details of the custom mantle I am creating. Instead, there are grumblings about things I am forgetting to do, shortened walks and the lack of "real" food. No one is convinced that Chipotle's Carnitas Salad covers all the major food groups and cereal and yogurt is a meal. Sigh. At least I have my people in blog world who get this obsession with design.

Shoved outside again...alone...for hours. Very sad.
The sound of nail guns and saws has me longing for the serenity of the beach and only the sound of the surf. But until then, I've had candles in the most amazing scents to soothe my senses. I was the lucky winner of two different giveaways. My first wins ever and they came back to back.
A dozen amazing scents!

My first win was from Megan at Beach Bungalow 8. One friend already claimed 2 of the four scents from West Third Brand (W3) candles . I'm keeping the others. Thank you Megan! The other win was from Interior Connector. They have a fantastic newsletter you can sign up for with plenty of news, information and sources on home furnishing and interior design. Just for signing up, I was the random winner of a years supply of Linnea's Lights!!! I was thrilled when I received Natalie's email telling me. Thank you Interior Connector!

Ocean & Mimosa

Yuzu. Such a fun name!

Lavender & French Pear

It just seems selfish to keep all of these. Therefore, I am giving away 2 candles to one lucky reader from the 5 I selected above!!! It was hard to choose scents, so I ended up picking ones that seemed like spring and summer scents.  I am super particular about giveaways. I turn down most because I won't talk up anything I wouldn't use or that fits the style of my blog. My first, and only other, giveaway was from a fellow blogger with a wonderful online store. I loved that format and her things, but sadly the winner didn't leave us a way to get in touch so we could mail the items!

Under each candle lid is a pack of matches! An impressive detail.
Tell me in a comment which two scents (any combination) you would choose, and of course I would love for you to become a follower, but most importantly if you don't have a blogger/google account, be sure to include your email address. I will run this through Monday and a random winner will be announced on Wednesday.

Good luck and have a great weekend!!!


  1. What a nice giveaway. I would love ocean and lavender. I really would love to see the ocean in person again. It has been a while. Have a great weekend and Mother's day.

  2. I love the packaging! If I had to chose two, they would be mimosa (as it makes me think of home) and Lavender

  3. I totally relate with the disconnect with the blog world. I don't know how to do it all; write a blog, run two businesses, be a wife, mother and have a life. :) I would have to pick French Pear and Lavender because of my love for all things French! Have a wonderful weekend!

  4. Lovely! I would choose the ocean and the yuzu because I have no idea what yuzu is.

  5. I'm of course a follower!! These are the most beautiful labels - that alone is reason to own them - and the fact that they include matches!! I love the Ocean and Mimosa - those 2 scents are instant transportation to somewhere wonderful!!

  6. What a sad little puppy face!

    I would pick the lavender and ocean! (Nice reminder that I need to plant some lavender later this month!)

  7. I love your blog and the name!!! I would love the ocean and lavender! Such pretty packaging!

  8. Ocean and French Pear :) I am a follower. Love your blog:)

  9. The candles look fabulous, definitely lavender and ocean! I've been a little disconnected too, but just try to realize I can only do what I can do!

  10. Nice giveaway - I would choose ocean and mimosa. In fact, I wish I was a the beach drinking one of those.

  11. Lavendar and French Pear....these are really cool. Renovations - ugh. But I agree, Chipotle salad DOES fit within the 4 food group guidelines! Will sign up as a follower --- promise!

  12. I have had a very busy week as well and haven't given my blog and blog friends the attention I would like to give because of travel and deadlines and the "grumbly" clients. However, at the end of the day (or week in this case), we do have friends that share the same delightful interest in design and detail that inspire us to keep going and offer us delightful gifts to sooth our souls. Thank you! Lavender and French Pear would be the ultimate luxury!

  13. I would pick mimosa and ocean.

    hewella1 at gmail dot com

  14. Ocean and lavender
    for me, please....
    I can imagine driving
    through fields of
    lavender and when
    that fragrance wanes,
    the hint of salt in
    the air announcing
    my arrival at the sea.
    Ahhh....I feel better,
    already! I might just
    drive by and pick up
    that darling pooch of
    yours, first! I can
    see us together in a
    convertible : ) Happy
    Mother's Day, Rebecca!
    xx Suzanne

  15. OMGoodness! Ocean and Mimosa! I have given these away but never had one of my own! I love your puppy!

  16. I would love lavender and ocean. Thank you for the opportunity!


  17. Oh, I completely forgot about Mother's Day.

    HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to all of you!!!

  18. French Pear and Yuzu seem wonderful. Have a great weekend.

  19. Lavender for me.... Happy Mother's day!!

  20. Lavender and French Pear sound oh-so-French!
    Great giveaway,I am new follower.

  21. Oh that sad golden face. Breaks my heart into!!
    Ocean. Mimosa. Two of my favourite scents ever!!

  22. lavender and mimosa.... {sigh...} thank you! tanna

  23. lavender and french pear i can almost smell them....wonderful giveaway ty so much for a chance, i am a new

  24. seems your part of blog to follow is down rite now so i signed up for the news letter i will come back later to follow.

  25. French Pear and Mimosa. What beautiful candles! I burn candles pretty much every day!

  26. Lavender and French Pear for me...they sound like they smell wonderful! Thanks for the chance to win!

  27. I think I would choose french pear and mimosa. Love candles!

  28. What a lovely giveaway! I think I would choose mimosa and yuzu, mimosa is one of my favorite scents and I imagine yuzu would have such a nice fresh, citrusy scent.

  29. Mimosa and ocean sound perfect for me. I love scents. THanks for sharing. Found your giveaway from Kim. New follower.

  30. That is a hard choice! I would choice Yuzu and Ocean I think! I became a follower :)

  31. French pear and mimosa. Both seem delicate and feminine.

    ~thanks for the chance~

  32. I would pick the Lavender and French Pear! I think those scents would smell great in my house...I need something to cover up the 140 pound dog, 2 cats, and a 3 month old....and my husband of course ;)

  33. Hi Rebecca. Have just come over to your blog from Savvy Southern Style. What a lovely giveaway you are having. The candles are lovely - such gorgeous packaging. My 2 would be Ocean and French Pear. Ange

  34. French pear and ocean sound great to me. What a great idea to have the matches included. Thank you for sharing your bounty.

  35. LOL someone above said exactly what I gonna say about the Yuza and Ocean. So...going to change mine up and say Ocean and pear although Mimosa reminds me of Mexico and Lavendar is lovely...such decisions! Newest follower by the way!

  36. I'm torn, but I think I'd choose Lavender and Ocean, two of my favorite things. Thanks for the chance to win. They look wonderful.


  37. lavender and ocean - I have some of these candles and love them!

  38. Lucky you, congratulations! I would choose Ocean (duh!) and Mimosa...see you created a perfect pairing for me! Thanks for the chance to win!

    Kat :)

  39. Ocean and French Pear sound intriguing!

    I totally relate to your feelings of not taking care of the people on the home front - with the house build in high gear (and having to confirm and make at least a dozen major decisions a day), plus our current house on the market, some days I feel like I am barely hanging on by a thread!

  40. Yuzu and French Pear
    Just love the name of Yuzu sounds interesting and of course anything French has to be great but mix in the pear, oh yummy!

  41. Nice giveaway...I LOVE candles! I would go for ocean and mimosa becuase they both sound really good right about now, sipping a mimosa by the! Your dog is adorable and that face, reminds me so much of my own Golden, Teddy....oh yes they are good at giving "that face". Good luck with your project!! Sometimes we spread ourselves so thin, and we have nothing left to give (lastly to ourselves) I have had one of those weeks relate. Take it easy, take a little break, maybe a long walk and clear your head, thats what I did with a happily enthused Teddy in tow and it did wonders for both of us!
    PS Am your newest follower

  42. OMG Rebecca your puppy looks just like my Dylan dog! What a sad looking face but beautiful. Congratulations on your win and sweet of you to share.

  43. Gorgeous give away! Love them all, so hard to come up with a combo....
    Lavender and French Pear! Delicious!

  44. And of course I follow you....

  45. I found your blog today, and I am now a new follower. I love Lavender and French Pear sounds yummy..thanks for this chance to win.

  46. I came upon your blog today and became a follower. I love giveaways but have never won. How lucky are you to win two in a row? Awesome. Mimosa sounds interesting and I'm curious as to what Yuzu is? Hmm? Thanks for the chance.


  47. Oh my...I love these candles...they are all awesome...I guess I would go with OCEAN and FRENCH PEAR. This is one outstanding giveaway...thanks so much for hosting it.


  48. Oh, count me in! French Pear and Ocean and Mimosa all sound nice.

    Hope you had a lovely mother's day! xox Terri

  49. Ocean and Mimosa, with French Pear as a runner up!

  50. Rebecca you are so generous!! I would choose the French Pear and the Mimosa! They all sound delightful!


    Art by Karena

  51. Oh and yes I am a faithful follower.


    Art by Karena

  52. I have an obsession with candles and my home smelling good. My family tells me my nose knows it all. Lighting a candle and always having good scents on hand is so important. They make lovely hostess gifts too.
    Love Mimosa or Yuzu.

  53. I would choose mimosa and ocean. Mi-mo-sa must rate next to mo-ther as one of the most beautiful words in the english language. Love the match books, too!

  54. Rebecca what a nice gesture on your part. Mimosa sounds like it would be a heavenly scent. Thank you for the chance at such a nice giveaway,Kathysue

  55. Mimosa and Ocean - Wow! Beautiful presentation...

  56. Mmmm. I always burn aromatherapy candles when I write. And since new book is called Summer Rental, I'd choose Ocean, and since lavendar is supposed to promote creativity, lavendar. I've never won a blogger giveaway. Maybe this time!

  57. Ocean and Lavender
    I am also following you on google.


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment!