Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Tuesday Tip

Testing. Testing. I never leave a paint store without having the paint tested and dried on the paint chip. Contractors often don't see the value in the step. You only need to have been burned once to see just how valuable it is to complete. An extra 5 minute in the paint store vs. an entire day of work blown. My new crew sees the value now. They painted nearly an entire room in a "custom" color, that was somewhere between wheat and yellow. It wasn't remotely close to the intended color. 
This is what my house has looked like since last week!

It's an easy fix, but a very unfortunate waste of time and money spent to re-paint 3 walls. Something that the GC has to deal with on his end. It's quite annoying to me also since it affects my schedule and my family's. It also delays getting to the pretty parts of a project. Always test the paint and make your contractor do it too!

Mulling over the options for silk curtains as well as seeing how things look with existing fabrics.
Can't wait to show you this rug, she's a beauty!  


  1. Oh me oh my. Yes sometimes the color is off. I have had that happen more than once. Looking forward to the reveal.

  2. Great tip!!! It happens all the time and no one wants the delay,client or contractor!!! Love your colors and silk drapes are wonderful, I have some in my living room and they hang so beautiful and with just a little shimmer, Can't wait to see it all when it is done, but I am sure you REALLY can't wait, since you have to deal with the construction part,Kathysue

  3. I never even thought to do that! Such a great idea and for sure will be doing that!


  4. I should have done this with the new can of paint and now i have spots on the wall where I patched up the nail holes.. good tip. I never thought to do this.

  5. Very valuable tip....one which after being burned more than once, I implement every time and try to get other's to do the same. Thank you for sharing.
    Love the rug.....can't wait for the reveal.

  6. Yes, yes double yes. I also have the painter or client do a large brush out to make sure they like it before committing.

  7. I always test paint mainly because I went through what your contractors did once, never again. I usually end up adjusting the paint and it's easier and cheaper to do at the paint store. Great tip!

  8. Amen sister!!! Contractor's (read ours) seem to always be of the "take a chance and fix it later" sort...I truly think all those paint fumes (and others) have actually killed quite a few of their common sense brain-cells...it's sad really...have to stay on top of it all, like you are!
    xo J~

  9. Great tip on testing the paint. Loving your project. The rug is beautiful. Like Kathysue, I have silk drapes in my dining room and just love them. They really do hang beautifully.

  10. Great tip, and I'm sorry they used the wrong color and put you behind! I can't wait to see the room, and that rug is a beauty, even from just a sneak peek!

    Kat :)

  11. Agree!! That rug is beautiful!! Can't wait to see what you're cooking up!!


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