Sunday, November 20, 2011

Kitchen Demo Day: Tear Down That Wall!

Last Wednesday, was the beginning of one of my favorite parts of the design process: demo day. Or in this case, it was 3 full days. Much of that was spent scrapping up 3 layers of linoleum in this kitchen and one layer under the carpet in the basement. Watching a renovation project get under way after so much planning is always thrilling!

Demo day 2
Goodbye light stealing wall, silly door and ugly useless bulkhead. 
The first time I showed the unbelievably scary first impressions of this entire house was here. The condition was even worse than my clients had originally thought. By the time 2012 rolls around, the hoarding and not so groovy 70's will be a distant memory and the house will be ready to ring in the new year with some much needed 21st century style!

The new kitchen won't have faux wood grain counters, mushroom lights or....

a trash compactor! The appliance layout is going to change...along with everything else!!!

I'm excited to see work on the kitchen, in particular, get underway. The crew was making great progress and by Friday afternoon, in addition to the kitchen demo, they were already cutting the wood to frame out the new bathroom on the lower level. Oh how I just love the smell of freshly cut lumber!


  1. How exciting! can't wait to see what you have planned!

  2. Woohoo, I love a good demo, and taking that wall down has made a huge difference already!

    Kat :)

  3. Can't wait to see the new kitchen!! And I love that wood smell too!

  4. Rebecca this is soooo exciting!! I guess you won't be cooking Turkey in the kitchen? Just kidding. Remember Enjoy the Process, this is wonderful, Kathysue

  5. I almost heard Ty's voice from Extreme Home makeover saying "Tear down that wall"....very excited for you! Cannot wait to see it progress...all the best.

  6. Love the new wood smell too and this is so exciting your clients must be over the top. I can't wait for the transformation!

  7. Q,
    I know isn't that one of the best smells ever!?

    Thankfully it's not my kitchen...or presently anyone's for that matter!!! I'm really not sure you could cook a turkey in that oven, but I made sure the new one will fit a bird!

  8. How exciting! Have a fabulous day, Kellie xx

  9. So exciting to have a new kitchen. Its a pain during demo, but so worth it. good luck and have fun.

  10. Wow, things can only get better from what I see of the befores. Can't wait to see you work some magic!

  11. Great home decorating creates a beautiful home that is a reflection of your lifestyle. Kitchen is the heart and hub of the home. So that best interior design and furniture are necessary for our kitchen.

  12. I do remember...can't wait to see!


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