Thursday, November 17, 2011

Sometimes, I Miss The Obvious...

If you're a regular reader, you know my mantra is Live Beautifully Everyday. Every once in awhile I look around my house and spot something that says just the opposite!

Each time my husband or I needed to read the fine print on something (gadget instructions, recipes, etc...) out came this hideous thing:

And, when my husband was done with it? Naturally, he'd leave it in whatever room he was last using it, despite my protests reminders. If I found it lying around? I would shove it into the nearest drawer so I wouldn't have to look at it. The problem? Neither of us could find it quickly when we needed it next!

It's amazing it took so long to figure out such an obvious solution! Last week while visiting a favorite shop, we bought this:

Serves the same purpose, but is far more chic.  Now it can be left in any room without offending my design sense!
Hmmm, wonder if I should start a new collection of these??? Would be the perfect stocking stuffer too!!!

Speaking of chic, one of my favorite bloggers and designers created this as his calling card:

Grant was kind enough to send me several boxes to add to my extensive matchbook collection.

Whether it's storing all the remote controls in a beautiful box or tossing some matches in a pretty bowl, one little change can have such a pretty impact!

I still prefer matches for lighting candles (except when I'm racing around just before a party,
 then I'll get out the ugly igniter) since they're pretty and convienent,
plus it's like a trip down memory lane looking at some of these boxes! 
So look around your house and see where you might need a little chic update...just before the holidays!


  1. I love how you display essentials.

    We have a silver marrow fat knife which we leave on the cocktail tray for stirring drinks. It is a conversation piece and has a new function.


  2. I, too, hide my magnifier in the drawer....but no more. I will find an exceptional looking glass and place it out for the world to see! Thank you for a wonderful suggestions!

  3. Hello Rebecca:
    Oh yes, we love your new magnifying glass and think that a collection, or indeed a tablescape, of them would be wonderful. Useful and beautiful, perfect!

    As for the matchboxes in the bowl, what a lovely suggestion since not only do they look attractive but, as one goes to use them, they revive happy memories of people and places. Such a good idea!!

  4. A perfect and stylish solution and a gorgeous book. I have a freind who has hindreds of matchbooks too, I always wished I had done the same, Ithink it is such a fun collection. XO

  5. Jeez............I was typing too fast I think. Sorry for the errors in my previous comment. I better slow down!

  6. I don't think you ever miss the obvious!! Love your new addition and your bowl of matchbooks!!

  7. SO glad that you are enjoying the matches!


  8. The husband and I just broke down and bought cheater glasses, the weakest, and placed them everywhere but I like your magnifying solution better! Much prettier then these glasses I have hanging off my face.

  9. It truly is those little details that make the difference in our daily lives. I love personalized matches, chic..chic..chic.

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family Rebecca.

    Best to you,

  10. I, too, like to light candles with matches and nice looking boxed ones aren't easy to find in my world. You have a great collection!!

  11. Great post Rebecca!! It is so true, sometimes it is just a small detail that can take a room up a notch!! Two great examples in this post, loved it,

  12. Rebecca, I LOVE having the magnifying glasses around! I always add a pretty tassel to mine, and carefully position them on top of books! Very chic, indeed!

  13. Hi Rebecca,
    So true - the little details can add just the right touch of chic to any space. I love that Grant sent you his matchbox! I grabbed one of his at the Elle Decor Concept House during Blogfest.

    And, thank you for your fun comment on my demo! I was much more nervous before we began the project. Now, it's so much fun to see it evolve. I took a walk in my new laundry room today (just a shell) - oh, the little pleasures in life!

    Have a wonderful weekend!
    xo Elizabeth

  14. Yes Rebecca, I am at that age where my arm is not getting any longer (thank goodness), but my eyesight is getting worse. I definitely know what you mean, only I have cheapo glasses laying around everywhere, this is a much better option.
    I just found your blog and am now a follower.
    Thanks for sharing.

  15. Rebecca, I had to give up and wear my glasses ALL the time. The positive side of that is they hide those ugly lines that are creeping in underneath my eyes, ha!!! Love your match collection and Grant's is a fun little addition. XO, Mona

  16. Absolutely get a handsome magnifier and leave it out for design's sake! We all get to that age (you know what I mean?) and need a bit of a visual boost. I leave it out, because if I put it away I can't find it! Bob

  17. As always, I adore the way you elevate the simple things in life to make them appear all the more chic.


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