Sunday, December 11, 2011

Mary Kay Andrews: Blue Christmas Book Giveaway!

Not all email is created equally. Email via my blog, in general, is always good. Some days it's really good. Last week, I received an email from Meg at Tandem Literary who works closely with Mary Kay Andrews and she happened to know we read each others blogs! So this email I knew was going to fall into the really good category. Really good for my readers!

No secret I love books, from the classics to the lighthearted. Have I mentioned we've had some plans drawn up to expand our library? More on that another day. Today is all about passing on a favorite holiday read to one of you to keep or maybe give as a gift!

I received a hard copy of Blue Christmas yesterday, signed by Mary Kay Andrews, to give away to one of my readers. She's one of my favorite southern authors. I wrote about MKA here and gave you a little tour of her beach house. Her books are just so much fun. Page turners, hard to put down. This one definitely involves decorating!

To enter simply become a follower, if you're not one already, and leave me a comment by midnight Thursday. Please make sure you leave an email address if you don't have a google account! I'll pick a random winner Friday.

PS: Just in case you want to read it now, this book is available from any e-book retailer for $1.99 through December 23rd only!


  1. Hello Rebecca

    Sounds like a good read

    Count me in

    Helen Tilston

  2. Ooooh!! What a fun giveaway!! Sign me up!!! fingers crossed!

  3. Sounds fun and I am a follower. Looks like a fun read. XO

  4. I'm a happy follower, and how fun, I could use a good book to snuggle up with this holiday season! I love her beach house too!

    Thanks for the chance to win.

    Kat :)

  5. Sounds wonderful.....please count me in. Thank you!

  6. Lovely, I have two giveaways this week too. Come throw your name in. :)

  7. I love it. I have a post yet to publish "blue christmas" and this will be added to my post. I would love to win this! Thanks for such a fun give-away.

  8. Fun Rebecca! Hey if you want some of that silk velvet I covered my chair in for pillows let me know you can have some for free!

  9. That wasn't said so I step up my chances for the book

  10. Hello Rebecca:
    Mary Kay Andrews is totally unknown to us so this book would be a first introduction. Please include us in the draw.

  11. What a fun give away! I just finished Rules of Civility (which I highly recommend) so nothing on my nightstand to read. This looks like the perfect holiday book!!!

    You know I follow!

    Happy Monday, Rebecca!
    xo Elizabeth

  12. I've been a follower for ever and I am desperate for a good Chrissy read!!!!!! I would love the chance to be in the draw.

  13. She's such a great writer and I adore her books. I just found some of her Callahan Garrity books and re-read them.

    And I am now following you!

  14. This is a wonderful introduction to Mary Kay...thank you for the opportunity to get to know her!
    xo J~

  15. I am a follower. I have not read any of Mary Kay Andrews' books, but have heard of them and have intended to. This sounds like a great book.

    Judy :)

  16. I am a follower. I love Mary Kay Andrews books!

  17. purchasing.sal@gmail.comDecember 12, 2011 at 3:26 PM

    I always enjoy your blog! Thanks for introducing me to this wonderful author.

  18. Rebecca of course I would love to win and read this book by Mary Kay!


    Art by Karena

  19. I am a follower and would love this book!

  20. I am a follower...and I'd love to win a Mary Kay Andrews book!! Thanks for the opportunity...Happy Holidays!

    tinab158 at hotmail dot com

  21. Just love this little book. May pull mine out & read it again! Hope you're well.

  22. I'm a recent follower and I'm always looking for something good to read. Count me in. Thanks!!

  23. Hello Rebecca,
    I would love to win this Giveaway. I follow your Blog, - receive updates by email.

  24. Just became a follower. I came across you through Pinterest. Your blog is awesome!!!


  25. Not sure if this game you my email but it is whitleyalison at gmail dot com

  26. What a wonderful giveaway! I also just became a follower. My book club is reading this for our January selection and I would love to have this copy. The club composition is made up of school district employees in central Florida; Polk County.


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment!