Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Tuesday Tip

Trim the stockings! I'm actually rather annoyed with myself. I had planned on having new stockings made. I have several pairs of stockings, but never owned a matching set of four. I already had the fabrics picked out and they are so pretty. Never made time to get it done. Next year? I said that last year.
Pottery Barn stocking with green satin ribbon added.

I've used stockings that I designed in years past.
 Acanthus leaves...imagine that!? My "new" stocking fabric has an acanthus leaf design too,
but instead of cotton gingham, I was going to use velvet on the cuff and heel to dress it up!
And, perhaps do two in the reverse...sigh. 

As well as some from retail stores. Now because of my procrastination, it's on to Plan B. I need to explore some quick and easy options to give them an update...
Reindeer pin. A gift from my kiddos years ago!

Off my key chain. An antique key would be great too. I have tons of those!

Any stocking can be changed quite simply just by adding some ribbon, a piece of trim, buttons, a charm, or even grandma's brooch to the cuff! Use what you have in your house. I found some bells in the bottom of a box of decorations, so I'm going to give them a try. Tomorrow...


  1. I love the pin on that stocking. It really dresses it up nicely! So cute. I am having a vintage holiday brooch giveaway at my blog, would love for you to stop by...

  2. I cut myself slack on stockings. I still have the one my darling Granny Darling made for me as a child, and we have a number of stockings bought over the years, both vintage and new. Which one(s) I (we) use is a matter of whim when it comes to filling them...

  3. I love adornments as a quick way to change things up. I love the idea of the reindeer pin and key, clever and so elegant. You are way ahead of me, no stockings this year yet and the tree is just arriving this morning:) Better late than never.....good luck with your stockings!

  4. What a great idea! I have been looking at the same old stockings for years! What a great way to make them seen new again!

  5. Love the idea of adding your own personal charms - like the key or pin!
    Good luck with getting them finished,

  6. Best laid plans huh Rebecca? I was going to make a little something this year too and still haven't gotten to it and I have no excuse...I have two sewing machines set up at all times for work! I love what you're doing takking something pre-made and making it yours, great idea!

  7. Charming ideas!! We have had the same stockings for decades!! Each child is attached to his/her own so I'm not sure I could get new ones!! And by the way, did you see that Women's Voices for Change featured your history of German Glass Christmas Balls post today? Here's the link (sorry so long): http://womensvoicesforchange.org/video-the-wednesday-5-bells-that-sing-fearful-movies-and-what-to-say-to-those-endless-voicemails.htm?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+womensvoicesforchange+%28New+from+Women%27s+Voices+for+Change%29

  8. RD & AO, Both of you have made me feel so much better about my decorating shortcomings!

    Q, I did not know, thank you so much for passing this along! My kids have their childhood stockings in their rooms hanging on a doorknob. They are used to the yearly rotation on the mantle, but if I had great stockings to begin with, I'd like to think I wouldn't do this?!

    Al, THE, BB, and LCI, Thank you and since I don't sew, it has to be something really simple!

  9. We still hang childhoold socks for all my boys. They are not pretty at all, remember the cheap red socks with the white tops that you could get names printed on from the 70's yes indeed we still have those from 1973! I wouldn't change them nor would the boys part with them.


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