Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Tuesday Tip

Tips on how to clean your goddess...or other stained marble.

In the spring, I did a post on busts with the intention of showing you mine and promptly forgot until now!
The owner from a favorite shop holding the bust for me to view all sides.
 Even though he said he had already vacuumed and wiped her down, she was still such a dirty girl!

This is how she looked in the shop after being outfitted with her new iron stand. The original marble pedestal
that surely once held her form was not found when she discovered in the celler of an estate in Europe by the shop owner. I actually didn't mind her sepia patina, but felt I needed to try and capture her original appearance.

I honestly didn't have a plan on where/how to start and just plunged in with what seemed reasonable and safe. Which ended up being mild dish detergent, baking soda, and lots of scubbing with soft tooth brushes and soft rags.
Though my cleaning method was working, I panicked halfway through and searched google for tips!
 It seemed this was okay. I also read suggestions to use hydrogen peroxide and chalk.
The hydo seemed to work a bit, the chalk was useless!

Add equal parts time and patience. And voila!
When the sunlight comes into the room in the morning, she glows!
 There is still some staining and discolorations, which doesn't bother me at all.
 Based on their location, I suspect she may have resided outdoors at some point.
She needs a proper name, but in the meantime I'll keep referring to her as the goddess.

Dear readers, if any of you have additional tips on cleaning marble, please share them!


  1. Love her! I once saw a bust being used in a master bath on the counter top between the two sinks. On each shoulder she "held" a hand towel. Looked so striking!

  2. Love the bust! Dirty or clean, she looks amazing!

  3. Beautiful bust! Gets me thinking about sculpting one. One of my favorite art projects. After working on soapstone, I just can't imagine carving marble.

  4. Hi Rebecca,
    She has a lot of personality in that face. I like her as she is now. I will be anxious to hear her name


    she is quite noble and perhaps she is a Principessa

  5. Your lady is beautiful Rebecca and like you I don't mind the stains. Not a clue how to clean marble and I'm a whack-a-doodle I just put two marble angels outside in hopes of patina.


  6. She wears what appears to be a "crown" of laurel leaves, which of course, was the award during the Ancient Olympic games, so it is rather timely. So perhaps Daphne should be her name (the minor deity who was pursued by Apollo and begged the Gods to turn her into a laurel, which Apollo wore himself, after Daphne's request to the Gods was granted.

  7. Great to know! What a beautiful bust.....so pretty with or without the stains. Happy to know about a good cleaning solution that can be made at home...hope you are enjoying your summer.

  8. I think she looks ravishing...I wouldn't clean any further for fear she might look "new"...

  9. I think she looks like a 'Maude'.

  10. Rebecca I adore her and have been on the lookout for the "perfect bust or statuary" Good to know how to clean them up!

    Art by Karena

    2012 Artists Series

  11. I think you goddess is truly beautiful :o) I'd certainly find house room for her!
    Rose H

  12. Hi, Rebecca - So wonderful to find you! Thanks for your visit and comments. And you are local...in the DC area, right? Please stop by the shop so we can meet up :-) Thanks for the tip on cleaning marble. Your lady is divine. I especially love the laurel or bay leaf carvings. I am your newest follower!

  13. Thanks so much for the visual lessen. I need to clean my marble as well.

  14. Goddess will do! What a beauty. Now she will develop a pantina just for you.

  15. This is such a great post with an amazing tip I would have never known!

  16. Beautiful job! Thanks for sharing such a useful post. As for the remaining staining and discolorations, I like to refer to that as "character." Keep it! :)


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