Sunday, August 19, 2012

Missing London

It's hard to believe the Olympics ended a week ago tonight. There were thrilling highs and crushing lows. Great stories of enduring hardships and sacrifice.  It did not matter that I watched them from my sofa. Somehow, I felt that these Olympics games were the best that I could recall?  
Sofa by Wesley-Barrell. Designer pup extra. In pounds, please.

Perhaps, I am am biased having been to London, that we have several British friends, or that ancestors on both our mother's sides were British. Perhaps, it was that the Queen's humor in the opening ceremony, rarely on public display, made us all laugh and relax and send the message that we were indeed in for a jolly good time. Who will ever forget the moment the future King of England gave his bride a spontaneous and enthusiastic squeeze as a spectator in the stands? Perhaps, it was the agreeable weather, which was nothing short of miraculous by anyone's measure. Or maybe, it's just simply a matter of fact, that our friends across the pond hosted a great Olympics!
I snapped this in early summer while visiting the Farrow & Ball showroom at the DC Design Center.
 I've said it a lot (to myself) this summer as I continue work on my most challenging project. Ever.
 It's been a marathon...of Olympic proportions!

And, even though the opening and closing ceremonies were fragmented, I enjoyed them. Truthfully, they could have been from any number of bizarre and fragmented dreams that rob me of sleep! And, if you are of a certain age, the music in the closing ceremony was a wonderful trip down memory lane and it made you feel youthful and capable of Olympic greatness- if only in your dreams.

To help cope with missing London and the Olympics, I will resume reading these two books:

 Both are based in England and that's where any similarity ends. One is written by Lady Fiona Carnarvon, wife of the current Earl of Carnarvon and current countess of Highclere castle. It covers the Edwardian period, the First World War and the extraordinary life of Lady Almina. It is neither a biography, nor a work of fiction, which is what what makes it so fascinating. If you are addicted to the mini-series Downton Abbey, this is a must read! The series inspiration,  including many of the characters names is clear. I think knowing the real story will only add to the enjoyment of the series when the new season resumes.

The other book is a debut novel from a young author named Daniel O'Malley. It's about a group of people with supernatural powers who work for her Majesty's Secret Service. Sounds hokey right? I did not expect to actually like this book, but when another author recommended it-I thought why not give it a try?

So with England as the perfect backdrop, historic references, drama, suspense, supernatural power and a good deal of humor, it's a bit like the Olympics I would say!


  1. I am quite an Anglophile also and all my ancestors are British, so it was a real treat for me to see bits of London in the coverage. I adore Downton and have been meaning to read Lady Carnarvon's book - thanks for letting me know you liked it, as I wondered if it was good, or just leveraging on the Downton fame.

    xo Terri

  2. I just finished reading "The American Heiress"...same sort of setting as Downton. Loved the Olympics, too!!

  3. Hello Rebecca

    I loved the Olympics and think they were the best yet. I love this post and the opening image is priceless. Thanks for the book recommendations, I need a new book

    Helen xx

  4. Loved the Olympics this year... unfortunately, I had way too much going on to watch as much as I would have liked. The Summer is almost over...the fastest one ever...can you believe it?

  5. Loved this Olympics, and London has certainly set the bar for future hosts. I too am an ancestor from London, England. How exciting.
    Thank your for the recommendations.

  6. First it was the Queen's jubilee and then the Olympics....definitely missing London! Thanks for the book suggestions. I just might grab one for our long drive to Maine.

  7. Rebecca,
    The Olympics seemed to bring a lot of people out of their summer heat doldrums to get in the spirit and reverie!! I loved watching. Kind of wish I had that sofa!

    Art by Karena

  8. I think after two celebrations, the Queen's birthday and the Olympics everyone is missing London. Now maybe the Princess will get pregnant so we'll have something else to wait for.


  9. With London front and center for the better part of the past year, our family has decided it's our summer destination next year!! I've started a little notebook...and am going to savor the planning!

    Love Downton Abbey and can't wait until it's return. This book looks like a great way to bridge the time!!!

    Have a wonderful weekend, Rebecca!!
    xoxo Elizabeth

  10. I love that sofa!! So much fun! Thanks for posting this!

    Love, Jamie Herzlinger

  11. They really were wonderful games! And I would love to own that sofa...and the puppy!!! I can't wait for the next season of Downton Abbey, and I will look for those books, thanks for the recommendations.



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