Monday, September 3, 2012

Dear Summer,

Goodbye. Yes, it may be your unofficial end, but I think it's reason enough for celebration. You behaved badly this year. You were too hot, too dry, too buggy, too muggy -just too long. I hope the garden gate hits you hard on the way out. Please go away, as fast as you can. I'm waiting for autumn, with open arms.
So pretty, I love a charming garden gate!

An amazing backyard fountain from a recent house tour!

I can't remember a single summer in my life that I was more ready to see end. Maybe it was the temperatures, maybe it was the lack of time spent having fun, maybe it was work, the lack of blogging? Or maybe, it was the house hunting? We started the search in early spring, just dipped a toe in. We jumped in with both feet this summer. Do you know how hard it is to find a great house, in a city that you love, that has everything on your wish list and will likely be the last house you ever buy? Crazy hard...and exhausting!


  1. We had the best summer ever. Cool most days and not too in the 70's and no humidity at all. My favorite weather. everyone here was complaining it was not hot enough. We hardly had any days over 30C. What is 86F. It was glorious. I don't like the heat but like it sunny. It is getting cool at nights here - my favorite time of the year - sweatshirt and jeans weather.

  2. I am completely with you Rebecca, we are still having record heat! Autumn is my favorite time of year!

    Art by Karena

  3. It was a HOT one...and we don't have air conditioning...but today was so lovely... I will miss summer.

  4. We have had the complete opposite, a near non existent summer of wet, drizzly, grey days. I'm looking forward to Autumn really setting in much like Karena. Love that cute little yellow gate.

  5. I am with you! I don't like summer, but this summer was horrible, and I am extremely happy to see it leave. I am looking forward to cool and cold weather. It has been too hot to walk, so I look forward to getting back to my regular schedule.
    Happy Tuesday.

  6. I am shocked by these replies!!
    We all long for summer ALL WINTER..
    Remember these comments..when it is snowing, blowing, and a windchill of -25c!!!

    Come on people....
    Summer rocks!!!

    Don't get me wrong...I love the fall as well...but lets not diss the summer!!

    Anybody agree??

    Linda :o)

  7. I always look forward to fall - my very favorite time of year!! Good luck with your house hunting - always a tough one!!

  8. Well, Fall is my favorite time of year but I am kind of hating to let go of Summer. For us winter brings so much cold and snow and the wind whips in off the bay and takes your breath away. I do love all the things associated with Fall though and am looking forward to that- xo Diana

  9. I think that Summer becomes less and less appealing as I grow older.. firstly I am NOT happy to wear a bathing suit ... feel it's almost an invasion of privacy!!! The heat is also more trying as I get older... I live in Australia in a relatively cool climate and ALWAYS adore the coming of autumn. We are Southern Hemisphere so we are now saying goodbye to Winter!! Thanks Jenny

  10. Summertime and the living is not so easy! Yes indeed it was hot. Although we here in Hollywood, have just now been hit with heat that you guys have had all summer and house hunting at the same time, too much. Been there done that, yuk! Good luck and thanks for dropping by. K

  11. Yesterday, I meant my first climate-change mover: a musician who moved his family from central New Jersey to Portland, Oregon last week, in response to the extreme weather on the East Coast during the last decade. We have had weather that is extreme for here, but it has not lasted as long or been as extreme as elsewhere. Except for three days of very high heat (but low humidity), we have had a beautiful summer. I'm sorry it has been so miserable on the East Coast.

    Where are you looking for a home, Rebecca? Best wishes on finding exactly what you want!

    Looking forward to more from this wonderful blog, Leslie in Portland

  12. Looking for a home can be so tiring, especially in the heat. As you know, I might be doing that soon! I am assuming you have not found one yet? Shoot I feel your pain...Hopefully you will find one soon.

  13. I wait all winter for summer and then I get one that's hot and humid and I can't be out in it so bye~bye summer! We don't have extreme weather either on the east coast just this summer. I am so thankful we're in our forever home I certainly don't envy your house hunting. I hope you find your forever home soon Rebecca.


  14. Clever post! On the central coast of ca it has been rather mild and a little cooler than usual. I will miss summer, but I can understand those of you who won't. I am sitting in Dallas in the 99+ weather whew!


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