Sunday, December 23, 2012

Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas!

As I finish clearing away the last remains from the holiday brunch we hosted today with old friends and new,  I am reminded of the only thing that truly matters- to stop and enjoy the season by spending time with the ones you love.
I am looking forward to stretching out on the sofa and watching It's A Wonderful Life and A Christmas Story!

It doesn't matter that my dried oranges didn't quite turn out as planned, apparently there is a technique and I didn't have the right one!
My ended up with slight little grill marks on them- oops!

Though they didn't make it on to the tree as planned, I tossed them in bowls around the house with pine cones and fresh greens.
Next year, I vow to figure out the trick to getting the perfect dried orange slices.

There were other little holiday mishaps, like my mixer breaking down in the middle of holiday cookie baking.

At least I can still make these. A friend brought these over- so clever! Who knew a Hershey Kiss, a chocolate dipped cherry, 2 slivered almonds and an Oreo cookie was all it took to make a mouse!!!

I'm so glad I took a chance on orange this year, the color is so festive and the scent from pomanders fills every room in the house,  invoking the spirit of a simple Colonial Christmas.
I enlisted the college kid again this year for making pomanders- it made me deliriously happy watching my elf at work.

 I wish you all a Merry Little Christmas!


  1. Looks very festive! Merry Christmas to you & yours!!!

  2. Merry Christmas, Rebecca. I love the pomanders on your mantel shelf. And that adorable mouse: even I could make it....I think :)
    Warm wishes,

  3. Evening Rebecca...
    The orange really does pop out at you...
    Very nice, indeed...
    That mouse is so cute...thanks for the tip!!!

    Merry Christmas to you and your family..

    Linda :o)

  4. Your home is beautiful. Enjoy your time with your family and some holiday movies. Merry Christmas!


  5. I didn't get my orange tree done as planned Rebecca! Dang yours looks great! Next year I plan on decking out in orange. Yes I did make your Christmas cookies and only made them today, in fact I'm munching on one now, made a double batch. Funny but the speed control was acting up on my kitchenaid mixer too. It had better work tomorrow because I have one more thing to get made in the morning.

    I wish you and your family a wonderful and Merry Christmas Rebecca!


    1. Debra,
      I love that you are nibbling on my cookies, made me smile! I hope your mixer holds up- I'll may have to dash out today for a new one...

  6. Everything looks stunning! Love the oranges.....and those cookies, too cute! Your living room is stunning. Wishing you a very Merry Christmas and all the best in 2013!

    1. Hi Tina,
      Thank you, this is our family room, but we do live in it! I put a small tree in the living room, but never took the time to photograph it or anything else, so far, this year in my haste to at least publish one holiday post!

  7. Loved your holiday mantle and tree last year and actually have an image on my board to paint.
    Wishing you and your family a wonderfully simple Christmas. Funny, we have pomander balls too and my sons home from college love making them. There is something therapeutic and the aroma is so Christmassy!

    1. Patricia,
      Last years tree and mantle were among my all-time favorites, and I am so very flattered you would consider painting them, just knowing is a such a wonderful little gift this morning! I find especially this time of year our college boys are most helpful for a variety of tasks!!!

  8. A brautiful and citrus filled Christmas to you and yours!!!

  9. I love the orange and your twig deer. I have the same ones but they don't look as handsome as yours decked in orange ribbon!

  10. the orange in your Christmas is so pretty.
    i love it...
    and the cookie is THE BEST and the cutest cookie ever!!


  11. To all who loved the details on the cookie- I had planned to make it a Tuesday Tip and make several myself, but like many of you what happened to all those beautiful innocent children in Connecticut affected me deeply and many things, such as blogging took a back seat. But for those we hold near and dear it is important not to lose our holiday spirit and so I hope some of you will give them a try and bring some holiday cheer to friends and family with a little edible mouse!

  12. Rebecca,
    Your home looks so lovely. I am not an orange gal, as you well know! But, I love it in your home, I can only imagine the lovely fragrance in your home with all the oranges and pommanders. Just beautiful.
    Wishing YOU and yours a very Merry Christmas,
    xo Kathysue

  13. PS I made the Christmas mouse with kisses a few years ago for the Grandkids and they loved them. I have not seen them placed so cutely on a cookie before, great idea!

    1. Kathysue,
      That's one of the best things about time of year on the blogs- seeing all the various color combinations that inspire people in their holiday decorating. I found my inspiration from our years living in Williamsburg and a beautiful tree done by a favorite blogger! What a great thing to do with the grandkids, bet they loved it. I think the cookie is suppose to be a mouse hole, but I'm just guessing?

  14. Don't feel bad, my orange slices didn't come out as planned either. I think they need to dry first a bit before going in a 200 degree oven. Like you, I'm determined to get them right next year. Merry Christmas!

  15. Wishing you a most wonderful holiday and love your holiday decorating, even the lemons!
    Have enjoyed sharing blogland with you this year.
    Much love xx

  16. Rebecca,
    Just finding your darling and inspiring blog. I just pinned a few of your great ideas here. Love the orange.

    I also got a good chuckle out of your post about manners. So true!

    I can't wait to read more.
    Merry Christmas!


  17. Rebecca, you have made the most gorgeous abode for your family. Thank you for all you do throughout the year!

    Wishing you and yours all the best in the year ahead!

    Love and Hugs,
    Art by Karena

  18. Hello Rebecca

    Your blog is like your home, full of authenticity and beauty.

    I am going to remember the mouse for next year. What fun!

    Sending you fondest wishes for a New Year filled with wonder

    Helen xx

  19. Merry christmas Rebecca! Love the mouse...he's going to definitely join our family festivities next year!
    Your living room looks so beautiful...and comfy...hope you were able to watch those movies as planned...I'd add Elf to that group and be as happy as a clam that missed the chowder pot!
    All the best in the New Year...
    xo J~

    (Your oranges were very get the gold star for even trying!)

  20. Happy New Year, Rebecca. Here is to a healthy, happy 2013! XO, Mona


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