Monday, December 31, 2012

New Year's Wishes!

I don't know what 2013 will bring, but there is always something about the start of a new year that is so exciting and inspirational.  This little design blog celebrated it's 3rd  anniversary on Saturday- it really doesn't seem possible! It's been a lot of fun and I feel so fortunate for the all wonderful people I have met along the way and the friendships that have formed.
Where will you be celebrating when the clock strikes 12 o'clock, at home by the fire or out on the town?

Wishing you all the very best in 2013, HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!


  1. Happy Blogiversary and a very Happy New Year, m'dear!

  2. We will be home by the fire! Happy New Year to you- xo Diana

  3. Beautiful post! Wishing you the best in 2013.Happy New Year!

  4. Happy New Year, wishing you happiness and contentment in the upcoming year. Quiet time at home early to bed!!! Woo Hoo!!
    xo Kathysue

  5. Cheers Rebecca to a wonderful year ahead, may it bring you lots of happiness, good fortune, laughter and good health. Its been great getting "to know you" through your blog.

  6. Congratulations Rebecca on your blog anniversary! Wishing you Rebecca and your family a joyous, healthy and very Happy New Year!


  7. Congratulations, Rebecca! Happy blog anniversary! Happy New Year! Cheers to 2013 ~ xo, Loi

  8. What a wonderful milestone Rebecca...congratulations! Here's to another year (or three) of beautiful and informative blogging, thank you for the past 3!
    Wishing you every happiness in the New Year...
    xo J~

  9. Hello Rebecca

    Congratulations on your beautiful blog and for the joy it brings us.
    A very Happy New Year
    We spent it at a beach cottage with a 15 pce bluegrass band entertaining us. The cuisine was southern.

    My best

    Helen xx

  10. Congratulations to you....3 years! Boy,it does go by so fast. Hope the next year brings you joy and happiness.....

  11. Rebecca, your blog has brought me lots of joy. Wishing you peace and beauty this coming year. (hugs and more hugs)

  12. Happy New Year, Rebecca!!! And a very happy 3rd blog anniversary! That is quite an accomplishment....keep those posts coming!!

    xoxo Elizabeth

  13. Hope yours is off
    to a great start, Rebecca!
    Happy Sunday and
    Happy 2013!

    xo Suzanne

  14. Just thinking of you Rebecca; I hope all is okay in the New Year. Happy Blog Anniversary!


    2013 Artists Series


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