Every year the Washington Post publishes it's Out/In List. And, just like every new year I read it along with Dave Barry's year in review. The DB article is a cynical, albeit mostly true, synopsis of what each month had to offer in world events, politics and people that captured our attention for better or worse. Mostly the latter. It is always so damn funny. The out/in list is an entirely different read, almost like the pulse of current pop culture and trends. I am always surprised by the things that I've never heard of and the things that don't make the list. So this year I felt compelled to come up with a list of my own!

weird pet pictures silly pet pictures
Wiener, Spitzer, Ford anybody else
fiscal cliff bankruptcy
parking spots for expecting mothers parking spots for actual handicapped people
loud talkers discreet talkers
over sharing restraint
trellis patterns velvet solids
neon colors jewel tones
skinny jeans long skirts
scarves in summer scarves in winter
gloves long gloves
bulky coats car coats and capes
Dexter Downtown Abbey
20 something know-it-alls 50 somethings who know more, but don't over share
yearly trends classics
chemically aged or faux brass naturally aged solid brass and french brass
succulents topiaries
cupcakes muffins
dinner parties supper clubs
texting to talk actual phone conversations
air kissing real kissing
bromance drinking buddy
baby bump pregnant
my bad oops
people who think they're interesting people who live lives beyond social media
big egos graciousness
wonderful, fabulous the truth
smart phones as security blankets confidence
politicians on late night dignified leaders
whatever witty quips
back scratchers scalp massagers
antlers on cars wreaths on car grills
inflatable holiday decor wreaths on windows, lights that work
stretchy dog leashes standard leads controlled by considerate dog owners
ugly Christmas sweaters/theme parties adults acting like adults
public marriage proposals dignified private proposals
saying what you think you should say having an opinion
And on that note, I'd love to hear your opinions of what you think should be on the list!